that guides young adults towards self-discovery. this program offers key skills to manage stress, teaches the importance of ethics and ethical decision-making, and prepares participants for the challenges that may lie ahead. It also equips them with tools for personal growth and societal engagement.

Day 1: Understanding your Inner vs Outer Self, & Stress management.

Session 1: Choosing Your Right Mental Life

    • Introduction to mental health and personal development, will and flexibility. Accepting and reflecting on your inner and outer world.
    • Interactive workshop: Identifying personal strengths and areas for growth accepting rejection from others and your own emotions.

Session2: Effective Stress Management

    • Discussion on distinguishing between positive and negative stress
    • Practical techniques for managing daily stressors and crises.

Day 2: Ethics, Self-Love, and Relationships

Session 1: Ethics and Personal Responsibility

    • Lecture on basic ethical principles and personal decision-making.
    • Group discussions on real-life ethical dilemmas faced by young adults.

Session 2: Love, Self-Love, and Nurturing Relationships

    • Workshop on building self-esteem and practising self-love.
    • Role-playing exercises on nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships.

Day 3: Navigating your Way to a Fulfilled Life in a Complex Digital World

Session 1: Surfing the Waves of a Digital World

    • Seminar on the impacts of digital technology
      • Privacy: Safeguarding your inner world and carefully choosing your outer world.
      • Forming deep and meaningful relationships
    • Case studies on digital dilemmas and fostering healthy online behaviours.

Session 2: Building Meaningful Connections

    • Activities focused on effective communication and deepening interpersonal connections. Communication is more than just words.
    • Strategies for balancing online and offline interactions.

Day 4: Educational Pathways and Future Aspirations

Session 1: Lifelong Learning and Intellectual Curiosity

    • Interactive presentation on recognising your need to learn and the importance of continuous learning and curiosity.
    • Recognising the value of our collective knowledge. Exploring educational opportunities and barriers in modern contexts

Session 2: Vision and Goal Setting

    • Workshop on using the Ikigai method to find personal and professional purpose.
    • Group activity: Setting short-term and long-term educational and career goals.

Day 5: Personal Empowerment and Community Engagement

Session 1: Self-Management and Resilience

    • Techniques for self-control, impulse management, and developing resilience.
    • Discussion on overcoming personal and professional setbacks.

Session 2: Civic and Political Engagement

    • Seminar on the importance of civic engagement and understanding global issues.
    • Planning and initiating a community project or social action.

Program Features:

  • Reflective Journaling: Encourage participants to maintain a daily journal to reflect on their learning and emotional growth.
  • Expert Talks: Include guest speakers from various fields to provide insights on mental health, digital safety, and career planning.
  • Continuity Plan: Establish a mentorship program and follow-up workshops to support ongoing personal development and engagement.



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