My Vision and Mission:

My dream is the product of over 50 years travels, and academic explorations. These lead me to form my personal conclusion which is that today, everyone possesses enough inner power that with the correct guidance we could easily change society to foster a more evolved humanity, in which individuals become aware of their many inner worlds, and truly discover the value of their existence on this planet, so creating a empowered world, with a full understanding of the nature which we are will be at one with, and which surrounds us. Above I envision a future in which we learn to respect ourselves, and what gifts nature has bestowed upon us for learning and evolving our own great inner values.

Not only that, but it is my vision that if the world unites daily, if only momentarily in a united mental cry for peace and harmony, then this tsunami of mental force would shake the world to its foundations and create a systemic change that no political power would have the ability to detain. This is my dream, and my vision for the creation of Schellahmmer Institute.

My Personal Values and Beliefs:

I believe we all came to this world to discover our inner selves, the immense world that surrounds us, and nurtures us. This means that we are called upon to act accordingly and fulfil this personal duty integrated within our mind body and soul. This is a choice we are given to act and evolve or to ignore our calling and stagnate. It is my personal belief that this path of discovery is a continuous life long process The ultimate objective of this discovery is to enhance our existence in those worlds that follow this present world we inhabit now.

Above all I value the importance of self discovery, self management, and constant learning. This is prerequisite to accepting and recognising every experience as an opportunity to grow as a person and learn from possible and probable mistakes that will me made on your journey. Periodical self reflection is essential for striving to be a better human and to comprehend others in general.

My Solution:

I uphold this vision, and belief by trying to share my acquired knowledge with as many people as possible through any form of communication available. Because education is the foundation of everything I aim to educate as a dynamic possess creating chain reaction in which the message I spread will flow like a river throughout humanity so provoking a critical mass tipping point in society for this positive evolutionary change.


  • Lic. Psychology, Philosophical Anthropology, Theoretical Pedagogy, Statistical Science, computing, programming, and automation: 1970-1973 (The University of Freiburg and Kiel)
  • Ph.D. Education, Psychology & Philosophy: -1975 (The University of Zurich)


I participated in numerous seminars on a variety of topics and became an approved practitioner in natural medicine, Psychonaturology, Naturopathy, meditation, dream interpretation, psychical energy and the unconscious mind.

  • Bioinformation: January 1992 (European Academy of Naturopathy)
  • Master in Psychonaturology: April 1992 (Sociedad EspaƱola de Medicina Holistica)
  • Diploma in Psychonaturology: May 1992 (F.E.D.I.N.E)
  • Parapsychology and Mental Techniques: October 1992 (Hispano- American Institute of Parapsychology in Barcelona)
  • Traditional Medicine and Alternative Sanitary Techniques November 1992 (The National University of the Amazonia – Madrid)
  • Lic. Natural Medicine: June 1993 (The University of the Americas)


Founder and President of Schellhammer Business School (SBS), and Schellhammer Institute (SI) (founded in 2009)

A privately funded independently accredited international educational group based in Southern Spain SBS offers a variety of foundation, degree, and master programs focused on evolutionary concepts for creating sustainable businesses, a new breed of leaders grounded in Archetypal development, a new understanding of human life, and life’s meaning and mental functions.

SI offers a global program for New Leadership, and a variety of local courses and workshops to answer humanity’s fundamental questions all with the clear objective “To empower humanity, promote genuine human development and save the planet.”

Life & Business coaching Practice, Spain (1988-2011)

Because 80% of the success or failure of most business is determined by psychological factors I provided life and business coaching for over 1000 satisfied clients and assisted my children with presenting strategies for negotiations and the creation of their own Brokerage company.

Psychotherapeutic Practice, Zurich, Switzerland (1978-1988)

Owned and ran a successful psychotherapeutic practice and school for personal development (in association with a Psychiatric Clinic) serving over 1500 clients and students.

Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich (1973-1978)

I taught “Methodology of Social Sciences” (including statistics and programming) and “Innovation in Education” at the University of Zurich; Psychopathology and pedagogy in a variety of professional Schools, including the Red Cross, Hospital School for Hospital managers and school for curative (corrective) education.