The liquidation of Ukraine.

This article today is such a hot potato that I must avoid mentioning names, specific companies, and activities in and around Ukraine. Certain British military developments are actively moving towards Ukraine. Similarly, it seems that French military forces are also on their way “to help and protect” the country, the state of Ukraine, and its many provinces. The exploitation of the state and its resources throughout Ukraine has been at the center of focus for some years. Consequently, the authorities in politics and global corporations will ultimately bear the brunt of this situation. Producing more weapons inevitably creates more profit for all the greedy corporations. It seems Selensky has not learned anything about this ongoing robbery.

Obviously, I must emphasize that the arsonists actively operate in the United States offices, the British war offices, and wherever Selensky agitates blindly and recklessly. Here lies the US war center, and in the UK lies the other war center. Selensky cannot comprehend the complexity that includes NATO concerns and long-term plans. Additionally, today, German authorities are already involved, standing with one leg in the pot. The drama is that all types of military intervention (for peace) will ultimately end as a joke. The entire German government appears as lost and helpless as a primary school.

One of the big problems is the daily massive (and brainless) propaganda that extends even to Spain. For example, I tried to understand the war’s complexity from another angle: the authors and responsible managers in all matters of peace and war in Europe act like gamblers, show-offs, and braggers, utterly incompetent in all fields of military concerns. As I have followed the German developments over the past 35 years, I must conclude today that the 17 German states urgently require a fundamental change (“reset”). Only a radical shift in politics could lead humanity toward a new, humane world.

The political infantilism in German politics leaves me speechless. Is there hope? The war rulers in the UK and US remain untouchable war criminals. Regarding this complexity, I believe it will take up to 20 years to heal and reset Europe. Furthermore, the Western world must fully distance itself from the UK and the US. This means a kind of divorce is necessary to heal the 17 German nations and their people. The 16 German countries must reset themselves independently for 20 years. The era of Germany being nurtured at the breast of the USA is over. Germany must become self-reliant very quickly to secure the future of its generations.

From The Messenger. DR Eduard Schellhammer, Swiss, in Spain.

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