Holy Speech to the World 2021

After 2000 Years, the King of the Holy Grail for the entire Humanity is back. He is the Messenger, sent from God for the Archetypal Human Development.

Humanity is imprisoned in an immense global mess. The psychical-spiritual state of people is a disaster. People have lost to understand the meaning of life. Humanity is rotten and on the brink to the abyss.

I have no power on this planet. I have no army. I cannot walk on the surface of the sea. I do not have 10,000 Angels with me. At least, I am equipped with the highest power of attorney from God.

I do not have trillions of dollars to dominate the world. I only have for Humanity the Archetypal Processes of the Soul. This is the divine code for the archetypal human development – eternally for all humans.

I must direct my message to the titans, some deep state members, some elites, the economic masters, the governance, and the religious authorities, as they are since millenniums the most criminal ‘club’ on earth:

“If you, the hidden masters, trigger another war or the increasing subjugation of the people, I will send you and your followers for 100,000 or 200,000 years on a dark planet, far away from God and his light.”

45 years of endless learning about humanity and the other world, I conclude that people have lost the genuine meaning of the archetypal religion. 7000 years fabricated magic religion is a suffocating delusion.

I tell the people: Your magic ways of living, your laziness, your arrogance, your vanity, your blabber every day, your poser, your narcissism, and your uncritical blind thinking has destroyed human development.

If you all continue the ‘carousel life-style’, I will send you for 200,000 years on a dark planet for a life with endless hardship, showing daily your stupidity, greed, madness, absence of love, and hate for life and God.

Nearly 8 billion people do not know why they are on this planet. The entire humanity has lost to understand the fundamental archetypal meaning of life. This is due to archaic governance and religion.

For 20 years, authorities eliminated all archetypal principles for human development: father, mother, woman, man, genuine identity, marriage, boy, girl, and family. People ignore the divine human values.

The people must learn to understand that the worst atrocities in history and today triggered the rulers, the governance, the head of states, and the deep state in different countries – always in their own interest.

The 18 biggest global threats to humanity have already become unmanageable. The unstoppable increase of the world population will erase all human values and the divine code for inner human development.

Some people ‘behind the curtains’ are aware of the increasing destruction of humanity. To save humanity and human development, unimaginable measures must be taken. There are humane and inhuman ways.

Humanity has not learned anything for 7000 years about the value of being human. All systems repeat their mistakes since millenniums. People should urgently find their inner being and reshape their path.

Finally, it must be emphasized: The “Covid-19” case is the worst scam in human history. Politics, through incompetence or on purpose, has driven many people to death. This is murder.

In 1988 the Swiss, Austrians and Germans banished the Messenger of God and destroyed his mission and life. The visible creeping destruction for 30 years means: They will all lose their home for 2000 years.

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