What are motives that people procreate a baby?
- Attitude: A woman is only a real woman if she gives birth
- The parental family was bad; the couple wants to create a better family
- A child guarantees some sort of ‘pension payment’ in the future
- To have someone take care of them (e.g. health) when they get old
- Friends already have a child (or children) and get a lot of social attention
- There is no other important meaning to life other than to have a child
- Culture: It’s the entire culture that expects a woman to give birth
- To have a child enhances the ego, self-esteem, meaning of life, happiness
- A man is only a real man if he has a family (children), which gives pride
- The woman (the man) wants to make it better than their parents did
- Man/woman expects to find happiness through having a baby
- Religion commands it and governments need soldiers, taxpayers
- Many blindly obey the social pressure to have a child (children)
- The belief that their genes are very special with unique talents
- In some cultures, childless women are often treated as ‘outcasts’
- Pride to be a productive member of society
- It’s simply the very strong urge to procreate
- They want to propagate their family name
- They feel to be second-class citizens; a baby upgrades them
- Many people bring a baby into this world without thinking
- The couple is bored and is longing for happiness with having a baby
- To please parents, friends, the church, the social environment
- Others have a baby, so I too want a baby (without any thinking)
- Simply want to give affection, love and care because babies are cute
- Parents want the love from their children (not the other way around)
- Pregnancy and childbirth are a superior meaning of life
- Many people simply don’t know why they want to have a baby
- Hidden political motive: To avoid that (many) women enter in top-leader positions
- Hidden economic motive: To avoid that (many) women enter in CEO positions
- Hidden religious motive: To avoid that women become a significant religious authority
- Children should be brought into this world only for their own sake and not for the interests of its parents.
- People should only procreate a baby if they can transmit valuable development for the next generation.
- Procreating a baby can create a lifelong drama for the baby if the parents are mentally much reduced, undeveloped in general.