The totally Rotten United Nation

For years, I have tried to understand the political, military, educational, and human factors involved. The fact is, people cannot prepare for and start a war. Elites, rulers, and megalomaniacs initiate all wars. Any person or group that wants to start a war needs immense resources to do so. Looking back over the last 120 years of wars, we see that they have never led to peace.

The common people, both before and after the Second World War, should not bear the blame for war. Instead, elites, rulers, and warmongers of all kinds prepare and start wars, both past and present. These groups use immense economic resources to initiate war.

In summary, the United Nations lacks the financial tools and resources needed to resolve heavy conflicts. As a result, the UN has proven incapable. It is a flawed and inefficient system, controlled entirely by the United States. We propose granting everyone veto rights.

It seems to me that only one measure can trigger a process for a new humanity. Specifically, all political parties and governments must return to the beginning—back 300 years—and reconcile with the wrongs of the past.

Moreover, the people of Europe, specifically, must reconnect with their inner roots. Corrupt elements in global complexities contribute to ignorance, arrogance, laziness, and irrational thinking. This has created a “paralyzed” approach, where people do nothing.

Many people still believe that God will solve our problems, while churches continue to invent a “Jesus narrative” that never existed. For 3,000 years, most people have continued to sleep and accept subjugation.

In Europe and around the world, people must rediscover their inner values and purposes. Unfortunately, most humans have deceived themselves and been lied to about personal responsibility.

Furthermore, all systems must reset with a focus on inner and outer renewal. The Jesus story represents a myth embraced by those who avoid taking responsibility. In contrast, we have the gift to procreate.

Most people ignore the long-term consequences of neglecting inner nurturing. Today, the world hosts 8 billion people who procreate without inner meaning.

Ultimately, war always brings misery, and the “United Nations”—think about it!

From the Messenger, 24.11. Dr. Eduard Schellhammer

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