Schellhammer InstituteDr. Schellahmmer’s books provide pioneering content and new ways of thinking that cover topics such as the shaping of the mind, personal development, human values, human evolution, life, business, politics, economy, society, education, and religion. They provide a valuable addition to everyone’s personal library collection who is searching for truth and personal fulfilment. Reading his books is an adventure for the mind and an exercise in mental gymnastics.

The 22 Mental Functions

The 22 Mental Functions

All of us must learn to explore our mental inner world, be part of it and cultivate the inner peace we all seek. Whilst technology offers us convenience and breadth ...
Architecture of the Mind

Architecture of the Mind

Most mental functions in prenatal development are interrelated, influence each other, and require multiple balance. Even in the prenatal stages of life many developing mental functions are increasingly suffocated, stunted ...
The 18 Biggest Global Threats to Humanity

The 18 Biggest Global Threats to Humanity

The 18 Biggest Global Threats to Humanity ...
The Archetypal Reset: Concepts and Strategies for reshaping the world

The Archetypal Reset: Concepts and Strategies for reshaping the world

Our understanding of a “Reshaping the world”: Everything must be rebuilt with the Spirit of the ‘Archetypes of the Soul’: Politics, economics, banking, education, lifestyle, justice, security, core human meaning, ...
Economics 1: Principles of Economics for Sustainable Development

Economics 1: Principles of Economics for Sustainable Development

The "Trilogy on Economics" unveiling the biggest scam in history! A critical analysis to the deepest core of the established economic theories as preached by most business schools, colleges and ...
Economics 2: Macroeconomics for Sustainable Growth

Economics 2: Macroeconomics for Sustainable Growth

The "Trilogy on Economics" unveils the biggest scam in history! A critical analysis to the deepest core of the established economic theories as preached by most business schools, colleges and ...
Economics 3: Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Roadmap

Economics 3: Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Roadmap

The "Trilogy on Economics" unveiling the biggest scam in history! A critical analysis to the deepest core of the established economic theories as preached by most business schools, colleges and ...
Psychology for Human Development: Theories of Psychology

Psychology for Human Development: Theories of Psychology

Theories of Psychology are theories of the human condition. The human being is analysed under the perspectives of action theory, psychoanalysis, general psychology, biography, and spheres of life. Newly structured ...
Psychology 1 Breakthrough to Outstanding Personal Goals

Psychology 1 Breakthrough to Outstanding Personal Goals

Psychology starts with exploring psychology in real life. Discovering the psychological world means searching for meaning. 80% of human life and business is connected to psychology. Psychology is about humans ...
Psychology 3

Psychology 3

Psychology programs at universities have not significantly changed since 1970. Psychology III develops the foundation of the evolutionary path for humans. The dynamics for human's evolution lies in the care ...
Psychology 2

Psychology 2

Human's behaviour is essentially a result of the way mental functions operate. Behaviour Psychology ignores the inner world and distorts human's totality. The "I" capacity, the control and management each ...
Practical Psychology

Practical Psychology

Become fully responsible for yourself! People all over the world have lost trust in the political, economic, education, and justice system. they mistrust the media, religion, and even in human ...
The Archetypal Processes of the Soul

The Archetypal Processes of the Soul

Never before has one of the founders of religion documented the archetypal processes of the soul so clearly and in such detail. All archetypal processes relentlessly reveal the truth about ...
Concept Individuation

Concept Individuation

The processes of individuation, documented so thoroughly and meticulously, like nowhere else. An indispensable guide for those who teach individuation and accompany other people in this psychological-spiritual process. A study ...
The Future in your Hands

The Future in your Hands

The truths and facts revealed are outrageous and beyond all imagination. The collected statistics as a whole are beyond daunting, they are highly explosive and yet completely real. Would you ...
Evolutionary Human Education

Evolutionary Human Education

The main program of human education is based on a future-oriented educational theory and an expanded philosophical anthropology. The high value of personality development and Individuation is rolled up from ...
Armageddon or Evolution

Armageddon or Evolution

There are only two options: Humanity’s leaders take responsibility to manage evolution in a sustainable manner following the path of the Archetypes of the Soul, or the failures and systemic ...
Become a Strong Personality

Become a Strong Personality

Become a strong personality! Your journey of self-discovery can start: the plan, the instruments and the aims are determined. Live with efficient methods! Self-education and training of life is the ...
The Pillars of Global Catharsis

The Pillars of Global Catharsis

Growing evolutionarily, psychologically and spiritually, is the archetypal call. Archetypes are like laws and norms for the psychical-spiritual development. Archetypes call for personal development and knowledge for living and growing ...
The Manifesto

The Manifesto

Hundreds of millions of people around the globe and billions of souls in the transcendental world are all anxiously longing for hope, peace and justice in the New Millennium; desperately ...