The Academic Life Journey of Eduard Schellhammer

Throughout his career, Schellhammer dedicated himself to educational innovation, addressing societal issues and improving the future of at-risk children through his research and teaching. 

1970-1973: Estudios universitarios

Eduard Schellhammer began his university studies in 1970 at the University of Freiburg, pursuing a degree in Educational Science, Philosophical Anthropology, Psychology, Ontology and Computer Science. 
In 1973, he graduated with a dissertation titled ‘Educational Needs of the Elementary School Teacher’, which impressed the University Director and led him to explore automation and IT programming in Kiel, where he mastered data analytics, Fortran4 and high level automation.
Schellhammer used his learnings of automation towards the first steps in Artificial Intelligence.

1971-1974: School Reform & Educational Research

Between 1971 and 1974, Dr Schellhammer worked on school reform, curriculum innovation, educational research and teacher training in the Department of Social Education and Home Education.

1974: Doctorado en Zurich

In 1974, after completing his studies in Kiel, Dr Schellhammer was invited to pursue his Ph.D. at the University of Zurich. His dissertation was titled Performance Assessment and Selection in Primary School.
Ese mismo año también se convirtió en oficial tras completar el servicio militar.

1974-1979: Profesor e investigador en la Universidad de Zúrich

From 1974 to 1979, Schellhammer lectured at the University of Zurich, teaching home education, philosophy of science and research methods. 
His research focused on psychoanalytic home education, deviance, behavioral disorders and child psychiatry. 
Colaboró con el Dr. Urs Isenegger y el profesor Dr. Frei, publicando ocho trabajos de investigación y contribuyendo a la reforma del plan de estudios de Friburgo.
Dr Schellhammer also took varied seminars for Clinical Hypnosis in Germany.

1976-1980: Teaching at the Swiss Cadre School & Zurich School of Special Education

During this period, Dr Schellhammer conducted research on the future of at-risk children and in 1976 he added to his professional responsibilities by taking on the role of lecturer at the Swiss Cadre School for the Red Cross within the Department of Anthropology and School of Psychology. His role there involved teaching Swiss Red Cross workers subjects such as psychology, anthropology and conflict resolution. He held both positions simultaneously until 1978. At this time The Zurich School of Special Education requested his services to teach the subjects of psychiatry, psychopathology and special education. He taught here, as well as The University of Zurich, until 1980.

He participated in international conferences across Europe, advocating programs for adult education and attending a variety of psychological training courses such as psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and self-awareness training to further his knowledge.

1978-1979: Trabajo con adolescentes

Between 1978 and 1979, Dr Schellhammer dedicated six years to the transformation and modernization of the education system in six juvenile detention centres. His role included diagnosing their behaviour and conducting research to address the needs of both boys and girls. Simultaneously, from 1978 to 1979, he also worked with adolescents facing mental, social, or family-related challenges.

1988 – 1992: Further studies

He dedicated his studies and work to natural medicine, psychonaturology, naturopathy, meditation, dream interpretation, psychical energy and the unconscious mind.
He achieved the following qualifications:
– Bioinformation: 1992 (European Academy of Naturopathy) 

– Master in Psychonaturology: 1992 (Sociedad Española de Medicina Holística) 

– Diploma in Psychonaturology: 1992 (F.E.D.I.N.E) 

– Parapsychology & Mental Techniques: 1992 (Hispano-American Institute of Parapsychology in Barcelona) 

– Traditional Medicine & Alternative Sanitary Techniques: 1992 (The National University of the Amazonia – Madrid) 

– Lic. in Natural Medicine: 1993 (The University of the Americas)

1992 – 2024: A Spanish Life

Dr Schellhammer expanded his contributions by founding the REATON CENTER in Centro Plaza, near Marbella; a consultancy and school focused on psychology and philosophy. The name ‘REATON’ was inspired by a fusion of the names of two major Egyptian sun gods: Re/Ra, later known as Ra-Horakhty (the morning sun) and Aton, the evening sun. Both linked to primal life-giving energy. 
In 2009, he founded the Schellhammer Business School in Marbella with subsequent expansions to Estepona and now the San Roque Club. Over the years, he continued writing and publishing numerous books and articles to awaken global awareness on various subjects, including politics, economics, education, philosophy, dream theory, archetypes of the soul, planetary destruction, religion, evolutionary human development and psychology. His work has been aimed at both general audiences and professionals in the field. 

Professional Activities at University of Zurich

Lehrtätigkeit: Heilpädagogisches Seminar, Zürich

Lehrtätigkeit: Neurosenlehre, Psychopathologie, Tiefenpsychologie und Therapeutische Konzepte
 Körperlich mehrfachbehindert, Neurosenlehre, Psychotherapie und Anthropologie
Lehraufträge an der Universität Zürich (PhD, 1974 – 1978): Theorien der Heimerziehung, Verwahrlosung, Neurosenlehre, Klinische Psychiatrie und Verhaltensstörungen

Dr. Med. P. Walser FMH Psychotherapie (1978 – 1981): Training von Kontrolanalysen, Zwangsneurosen, Depressionen, Phobien, Hysterie, Übertragung und psychotherapeutische Praxis. 

Lehrtätigkeit: Sensitivity Training, Essalen, Mr. Backer; Rotes Kreuz Zürich (1974 – 1976) 

Lehrtätigkeit: Verhaltensstörungen, Neurose, Verwahrlosung, Fehlverhalten, Therapeutisches Milieu und Konzepte

Publikationen Schellhammer / Roth: Kritische Entscheidungssituationen

Basel Curriculum Reform: Schellhammer / Brunner. 
Prof. E. Tuggener: Evaluationen und Selektionen. 

Forschungsfeld Jugendheime; Universität Freiburg und Zürich. 

Kritische Entscheidungssituationen. 

Berufsfeld des Lehrers.

Academic Seminars – Marbella


Antropología Filosófica Evolutiva 

Estado De La Humanidad Y El Futuro   

Estudios De Casos Interdisciplinarios  
Análisis Psicológico Del Comportamiento En La Política   
Psicología De La Educación

Psicopatología Colectiva

Críticas A Las Escuelas Públicas

Conceptos Prácticos Para Una Vida Plena

Objetivos y Soluciones Estratégicas Para La Humanidad y El Planeta

Forma De Vida De Las Personas

Subyugación Intrínseca A Través De Los Mega Sistemas
Gestión De Humanos Y Sociedad

Factores Destructivos Del Ser Humano

Desarrollo De La Personalidad

Teoría De Los Sueños Y Entrenamiento Mental

Entrenamiento Mental Para El Estudio, La Vida Y Los Negocios

Escuela de Negocios Schellhammer

¿Listo para dar el siguiente paso en su viaje hacia el liderazgo?

  • +34 722 57 93 13
  • Centro Comercial San Roque Club 3D, 11360 San Roque, Cádiz, Spain