The Friend from the Dark Shadows:

He came very early to give orders, to summon victory, and left on the same day with his almighty god-like aircraft. Simultaneously, on the same day, on another side of the planet, he gave orders to brutally eliminate soldiers (and people). The Friend could have ended this quickly! The god-like leader is the only human allowed to command and kill people at will, and that every day. No one else on this planet has ever been granted the right to kill people for pleasure, ego, lies, and theft. We can recognize Selesky and British authorities in the same line. However, here there are still completely disfigured hellish people. They perceive themselves as God-like, legitimized to kill with blind power. They believe the entire planet belongs solely to the Western and brain-given God-King. Thus, the millennia-old drama repeats itself: submission out of fear, terror, cowardice, laziness, lies, and greed. Many pretend to be an authority, to be godly, faithful in prayer and punishment: but for what purpose? First, they are thoughts, and then man loses his inner being. The diversity of propaganda and narratives poisons people. War plans corrode the brain, creating madness out of lust, ecstasy, and megalomania. Even before it began and before it gains strength, it becomes unstoppable. The spirit is out of the bottle, and nothing can stop the drama. Hitler, Selensky, the British poison, and the sick religion are on the same boat. All of this could only happen with the absence of education and spirit. Laziness, stupidity, and the lack of leadership for holistic learning promoted wars. The German people have been massively betrayed to this day. Too many Germans have trusted the “Devil” and have been swept away by political seduction. Germany will be lost in stupidity for up to 1000 years. The good thing is: They will all be dead by then. The Swiss model for peace and prosperity is the best concept that Switzerland can offer to the world. The core is: Switzerland is never about war, but always about protection to avoid wars, in Switzerland and elsewhere. Switzerland has a good thing that it should never give up, never lose, or even sell.

From the Messenger, Dr. Eduard Schellhammer.

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